Pretty Woman
At "Pretty Woman" in the very front row for a discounted ticket price of $41.50.
After my mom left I decided to take a brief reprieve from my serious life and go to my land of inspiration. Yes, I got directly on the train and made my way to the Nederlander Theatre and asked if there were any Rush tickets available. They told me that on that day indeed there were. I have found that requesting discounted tickets is a process that works a little better with some raggedy clothing as well as an aged backpack, but there are so many places in New York where it pays to be slightly dressed up, that I've grown accustomed to wearing trendy clothing.
Well, I must say that I do have the fact that I look like a young adult working for me. I'll never forget one time I went and got my nails done with my 2nd cousin and the stylist asked both of us our ages. She was like "I'm 8" and the lady knew that she was verging on too personal as I explained that I was 32!
With my cousin Maggie and a special appearance “photo bomb” made by my Uncle Lenny.
I ended up loving "Pretty Woman" and really wished that I had seen it with my mom, because quite frankly "the Cher Show" was kind of a disappointment. I guess I liked the feminist message that Cher was notorious for exuding, however, I found "Pretty Woman" to be much more entertaining. I guess I felt like "the Cher Show" provided no surprises. I must say that I don't feel like I know a great deal about Cher, but the whole show presented all of the information that I already knew. Apparently Cher was quite the control freak to work with and she had to place the final stamp of approval on everything before it could be included in the show, therefore, I felt like the entire time the actors were walking on egg-shells as not to offend.
"Pretty Woman" was incredibly well done and presented a wonderful vibrant energy. As a participant of community theatre I was forever confused by the concept of giving more energy, but I feel like in order to understand this concept one has to go to the Great White Way. Everyone on the stage has the energy that any community theatre director is speaking of. The costumes were absolutely breathtaking and the music was outstanding. The only thing I think this production lacked was in its choreography.
The opening number focuses on everyone having a dream. I guess this was a topic that I could easily relate to. I loved the fact that a young woman pulled herself out of a life that she didn't want and went on to dictate the direction that she saw fit. It was not just a frivolous musical about a hooker who was in the right place at the right time and ended up with her fairy tale ending. That would be a shallow interpretation, instead this production provided me with inspiration and a spirit to dream for a positive future.
In line for “Pretty Woman” or as New Yorkers would say “ON LINE”