Surviving Singlehood in the Big Apple:
The documentation of a year-long struggle
Life in the Pit
In this case Risse is thankful to be out of Alaska, but is concerned to learn that she will be residing in New Jersey, which is informally referred to as the “Armpit of America.”
The view outside of Risse’s window was unreal, but no matter how hard she tried she could not pretend that she lived in New York.
Starting to Stir Up the Crazies
This chapter provides the reassurance that Risse is resuming her role of “attracter of the crazies!” This section of the book talks about a diverse group of individuals spanning all the way from Jersey Shore to Americana.
Breaking Free from the Pit
Taking a break from her part-time profession of crazy-date wrangler, she instead decides to focus some time on her well- being. This chapter illustrates the moment when Risse came to terms with the fact that she didn’t belong in New Jersey.
In Between, Connecticut Times
Realizing that Connecticut may have been easier for Risse to stomach, the fact that Connecticut is farther away from the city than Jersey brought Risse to realize that this was a sink or swim situation. She soon went on to identify the necessity of finding a place in the city.
A Big Chomp out of the Apple
At last making her way officially to the “Promised Land” by networking and deciding to rent from her friend John, an old school friend hailing back to the days of Woodriver Elementary in Fairbanks, AK.
This chapter serves as a true testament that connections can be made anywhere and at any age.
Finally making her way to the Big Apple brought about a sense of pride.
Livin’ Free in the City
Having taken a much needed break from the dating game, this break ended up giving Risse the energy to once again re-emerge. Along the way she faced some less than desirable situations, but looked upon them all as growing pains.
Working in the Big Apple
Finally reaching the point where Risse was able to secure a job working at a sports club, she decided to take this time in her life to enjoy “singlehood.”
Little Girl, Big City
This chapter goes on to discuss how overwhelming it can be for any non-native New Yorker to make it in the Big Apple.
The Fuzzy Side of the Lollipop
Risse begins to come to terms with social norms that it is considered to be the right “thing” to have a boyfriend at this stage in life. This chapter serves as an exploration as to why Risse finally finds it necessary to join the online dating craze.
With every injury comes a silver lining.
Placing Destiny Online
Y.O.L.O. (You Only Live Once) is the philosophical stance of Risse after her close encounter with sex slavery. She therefore saw it as being necessary to start putting herself out there in an online form only to endure entertaining but disastrous results.
Reaping A Limited Crop
Serving as a continuation of the online dating adventure, in this chapter there is a section where Risse comes to terms with the fact that most of these dates would be incapable of producing more than a good meal, if that.
Lingerers and Other Nonsense
Presenting its audience with a new vocabulary term, this chapter provides a continuation of Risse’s intense online dating phase.
Close to Barren Land
Quite possibly recounting her craziest date of the entire online extravaganza, the stories in this chapter outline the deterioration of Risse’s spirits.
The Descent Back to Normalcy
“When things get tough… the tough [typically] get going” but unfortunately Risse decided to get going home. In response to the world crumbling around her, she decided that the safest option would be just to go home and try again later.