Bringing Culture to My Life

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I will know I've made it when I'm able to legitimately see the opera at the Met, but for now the best I can do is watch free broadcasts outside in the Lincoln Center Plaza. I am much more of an MT girl (Musical Theatre), however when I went to school at Stony Brook I took a Music History course and was exposed to Wagner and his music. I absolutely fell in love with his music and the idea of a lietmotiv - a repetitive musical phrase that serves as symbolism throughout the production. From Professor Minor I learned that Wagner who so arrogant that he actually had his own opera house built exclusively for his operatic compositions in Bayreuth, Germany. Typically the "Ring Cycle" is broken into five different productions because in total this production lasts a whopping eighteen hours. In Bayreuth, Germany there happens to be a music festival that features the "Ring Cycle" in its entirety. Apparently the opera house in that location has awesome acoustics, however the orchestra has to play a half of a second behind what they are actually hearing because the sound waves reverberate in a bizarre fashion. My professor stated that it was inevitable to fall asleep because inside the opera house there is no air conditioning and the length of the opera is a tad bit inhumane.

Well that doesn't deter die-hards from wanting to see this operatic work, because there is a ten year waiting list. It is my ultimate goal someday to go to this festival, but the question is could I find anyone crazy enough who would be willing to endure all of that pain to be able to watch the "Ring Cycle" in the Wagner opera house for eighteen consecutive hours? I think for now I will just sign up for 1 on the waiting list.

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One of the reasons I think I thrive in New York City is because I possess "child-like enthusiasm." I know many people are confused by the fact that I appear to be genuinely excited over small elements of the city and Ron clearly becomes quite annoyed by my excited outbursts and has been known to ignore me, but that is what keeps my experience vibrant.

Ok, so if Maria von Trapp were to ask me to add to her "Favorite Things" song lyrics, I would have to say that I love sending mail, going to the library, and Broadway. Whenever I send anything off I make sure to go to my all-time favorite post office.

Above is a photograph of me (taken by an extremely kind hot dog vender man) on 32nd and 8th Avenue. This structure was part of the old Penn Station, which is now a functional ugly structure. This post office is absolutely gorgeous, it kind of makes up for the fact that most of the employees are super disgruntled, but oh well. This post office kind of serves as my happy place and don't ask me why, but putting together thoughtful packages is one of my favorite things.

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In between marveling at all of the wonders that the city has to offer, I lead a very disciplined artistic life. As I have explained earlier I am a member of the Producer's Perspective Pro. Community and make it a point to take advantage of anything that is offered along with membership. The above photo was taken at a mixer that was being offered for the pro. members. This event consisted of a two hour session to talk and make connections which was slightly exhausting. It's difficult to brag about yourself and the art that your producing for that long. This sensation kind of reminds me of talking with the administration of schools at job fairs, but I've found that events like this are wonderful practice and oftentimes pulling yourself out of your comfort zone leads to great things.

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Well, fortunately after the mixer I was able to relax in Connecticut with my family. My Uncle Lenny loves to go out to this diner in Darien called the Sugar Bowl. The rest of the people are from the Dunkin' Donuts crew. The purpose for my trek was to attend my 2nd cousin's birthday party. At the party there were these party noisemakers. I had honestly not seen one since my childhood and judging from the picture it kind of looks like I was taking a hit of marijuana, but the party was definitely a sober affair.

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So after the party I went home and decided to go to Harlem for a few groceries. While in Connecticut I went shopping at the only places I can afford, that's right "Goodwill" & "Savers" (the Value Village equivalent for all you Fairbanksans out there). At "Goodwill" I purchased a down and out looking purse because oftentimes when beggars see a Chanel bag coming their way, they suddenly become more aggressive. They don't even take into account that the bag is not authentic. Anyways I remembered to transfer my phone and wallet into the new purse, however, what I neglected to remember to transfer were the keys to my apartment and my subway card. Well I made it all the way to the subway station and realized that I was royally screwed. Naturally I called my landlord. He is the nicest guy ever, but he was unable to help me in this instance. Unfortunately he had not provided the super with a set of keys. In this case I had to wait for my roommate to come home from a Birthday party. This whole process took about five hours. I was definitely fortunate enough to have my book with me that still needed some editing.

Eventually I had to go to the bathroom. For this I went into a bar called "Quiotes," which now I'm told is slightly dangerous and drug infested, but I guess the fact that I looked very businesslike with my book and pen created sort of a standoffish appearance.


"As We Stumble Along"


On my way to success!