Don't upset the King
By Lincoln Center finishing the formatting for my second book.
The one goal that I had while my aunt and uncle were away is that I would finish formatting my book, well easier said than done. I did not know the first thing about book formatting therefore I could see some challenging times ahead, however, this did not deter dear old Michelle Risse, like the zipper pull on her lap top case says "Go get it!"
On my way to Lincoln Center Library, (the only comfortable free place with WiFi and electric outlets in the city) I stopped by the Broadway theatre to see if any rush tickets were available for "King Kong." Indeed there was one. I sort of shrugged and hemmed and hawed because I really didn't want to reward myself for almost finishing up a task, but if you know me and understand my mental workings you'll know that it's impossible for me to deny a good price to a Broadway show. It was no surprise that I ended up caving and seeing this musical production.
At King Kong at the Broadway & 53rd Street theatre.
After the show was over I had to think long and hard about how I actually felt about it. There was so much stimulation that it was impossible for me to relax at any given part in the entire show. I must say the special effects were insanely awesome and when they got on a ship and traveled to "Skull Island" it was staged in a way that was absolutely amazing. They had projected lights onto a scrim curtain that made the water appear as if it was moving. The actors also swayed back and forth as to further illustrate this grand illusion. Kong was a 30 ft. tall puppet that was controlled by a fleet of approximately twelve actors. When I find myself describing this production I tell them that it was overly ambitious. Even the choreography looked super challenging and instead of awe that they were able to create these challenging steps in uniform patterns, I found myself sympathizing that anyone would be required to move that fast.
Eventually I came to the conclusion that "King Kong" was not a good or enjoyable production. It had good intensions and if you are a theatre aficionado (as I like to consider myself) "Kong" brought forth new technology that I believe will be used in the future. This production did not play it safe and took everything to its maximum potential, therefore, nothing was done incredibly well, because of this they missed the Tony nominations and are in danger of closing before producers can recoup any sort of investment.
After the show I walked to the train station and deemed that life doesn't get any more exciting than this. I must say that I always walk to the train station from the theatre late at night because by now I have memorized the train times, am definitely a huge cheapskate, and enjoy the late-night vibe of the city. I must say that walking down 5th Avenue is really my favorite place to walk at night. The storefronts are so magical and the lights that adorn their windows are majestic. I guess traveling down this avenue gives me hope that one day I too will go shopping on this avenue, but for now I can simply window shop and dream.
I call this my Bye Bye Birdie pose. This marked my last night in Connecticut.
After I had made it home, I really had one more day in New Canaan. For this my cousin and her kids came home and I devoted this day to the reorganization of my belongings. It wasn't easy, but I did manage to condense all of my stuff down to two large suitcases.
On Sunday my cousin and her kids returned to Massachusetts, my aunt, uncle, and I attended mass, and finally we drove to Queens in order to move into my new apartment!
My aunt and uncle were all a part of the "moving brigrade" and I made the deal if they lent me their AC unit and helped me move, then I would buy them dinner. My uncle kept joking that he was going to order lobster or prime rib, just so I would have to struggle a bit, but such did not come to pass, the only thing that was open by the time we had moved me in was a diner, where expense was not an option
I have found that people are really obsessed with that fact that it is possible to have a big bed in New York, so once I had put the sheets on my bed, I snapped a shot of what I was going to sleep on for the next three months.
My enormous bed!
The next day I attended an event that was so cool that I was even amazed I had gotten the invite. It was through the Producer's Perspective Pro. and was a reading of a show that the creator was hoping to have produced. The show was incredibly ambitious and had clearly been a labor of love for the past five years. I just hope that one day my work will be at that stage and will be acted out by talented individuals.
The event was held in a rehearsal hall that was so exclusive that in order to enter one had to tell a doorman what they were there for. I posted a picture on Facebook and stated that this event was "legit."
Enjoying the "legit" reading of "Ocean in a Teacup"
It has definitely been my mission the last couple of days that I have started living in Queens to organize my living quarters. Subletting is not like mere renting because it doesn't mean that you start with a blank canvas, instead you have to respectfully dodge all of the existing stuff in your room. In the end I think I ended up doing a pretty good job of leaving his stuff in place while taking ownership of the room until the month of November.